Taking your career to the Next Level with The Artist Next Level! / by Sarvin Haghighi

The Artist Next Level
The Artist Next Level

Hope you all enjoy as you listen to the interview HERE.

Lot of people have asked me how my move to the U.S has influenced my work? What have been my challenges so far? etc. So I couldn't be more excited when I was asked by Sergio Gomez to talk about all that on his Art NXT Level PodCast. I consider myself very lucky to have known Sergio Gomez and have collaborated with him on some of his projects. He is an amazing artist, a professional curator, a caring mentor and above all a true friend. He is the co-founder of Art NXT Level as well as being the Owner/Director of 33 Contemporary Gallery and also the Director of Exhibitions at  Zhou B. Art Center where my studio is located as well. My first collaboration with Sergio Gomez was the "Hybrid's Paradise" exhibit which he curated for the opening of the Evanston Art Center new building If you are a driven artist intreated to take your art career to the next level, then you need to sign up on Art NXT Level right now! 

I truly hope this interview will help those artists who are not sure how to take the next step. I really believe once you have your vision and plan ahead with the support of those who are knowledgeable enough to guide you, you will get to where you want for sure. Of course nothing good in life comes easy and this needs a lot of effort from your side as well. In my interview you can hear more about me, my life, my influences, details on my pieces and what to expect, some of the challenges faced, rejections and its impact on my career, etc. You basically get a full insight on my career since arrival in Chicago and also on upcoming events.

Hope you all enjoy as you listen to the interview HERE.