Phnom Penh

Watch the video of our rewarding Habitat trip to Cambodia by Sarvin Haghighi


  The most amazing things happen when you have two of your other biggest passions in life combined; traveling to a new country and doing charity for those in need. Last November we travelled to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to build two houses for two needy families.

During our stay, we worked with an amazing group of friends who became our family, people with beautiful souls, great energy and the will to help others. We sweated  together with local workers and the future homeowners under the leadership of an amazing couple for whom we all have tremendous amount of respect ; Neale and Maureen Kemp.

Cambodia has an energy within its soil which is hard to describe. It's incredibly tragic history and what went down during the dark era of Khmer Rouge is upsetting yet it makes you appreciate what you have in life; its amazing to see although they went through such a painful time, yet still the first thing you will see on their faces, is their beautiful smiles and their gratitude towards whats being done.

I decided this would be a more interesting way of sharing our experience with you all. I truly believe every person need to at least do one habitat trip once in their lifetime. That feeling when you hand the key to the new home owners is just indescribable.
